Whether you’re splurging on peonies or grabbing a few bouquets of Trader Joe’s flowers, designing a memorable and creative floral arrangement as a centerpiece can be fun and also shows guests how excited you are to have them there. But, making the perfect tablescape focal point isn’t as easy as throwing a bunch of flowers in a vase and calling it a day. There is some strategy and finesse to it! Here are a few tips to help you create the perfect DIY floral arrangement.
Choose your vessel: You may choose a vase, a bowl, old wine or liquor bottles — whatever works the best for your theme. Once you nail that, the real building can begin. Going for a rustic, farm or low-key vibe? Be prepared to create a cascade of flowers and allow them to spill out. Throwing a more formal party? Tightly packed florals are the way to go.
Go wild — or not: Sleek and chic or bohemian style, pick your floral style. Decide on a wildflower arrangement with a bit of whimsy or pick roses, hydrangea or ranunculus for a graceful look. From there, decide on your greens and/or filler flowers to ensure your centerpiece looks lush and full. If going more traditional, monochrome florals, or those within the same color category, is a good choice. Wildflower centerpieces can have a bit more color, however, looking for blooms that are complementary hues will help pull the tablescape together.

Get arranging: Now that you have your vessel picked and know what style you’re going for, it’s time to build your arrangement. Add your filler flower first and then move along to the main blooms. You’ll want to build your bouquet using the largest blooms first and then moving into the smaller ones. From there, size up your creation — trim stems if certain flowers don’t quite fit and add more greenery or fillers if necessary. As a rule, make sure your width and height are balanced and the floral arrangement should be one and a half times taller than the container it is in.